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Saturday 22 October 2016

Poori Payasam/Kheer

This is an innovative dish , that combines the taste of deep fried item like poori with a sweet dish like kheer/payasam. It will taste even better, when refrigerated. Do try and drop your comments.

Serves - 2 to 3 bowls
Cooking Time : 25 min. approximately

Maida/All Purpose flour - 1/2 cup
Sugar - 1/2 cup
Whole Milk- 1.5 cups
Cardamom powder - 1/2 teaspoon
Food colour (optional)- a pinch
Ghee - 1.5 teaspoon
Salt - a pinch.
Cashews - 5 to 6 pieces

1. Prepare all ingredients and set ready.

2. In a bowl add the all purpose flour/maida. Add a pinch of salt and 1.5 tablespoon ghee  and mix well. Add some water and kneed well and prepare the dough.

3. Make small sized balls and flatten them .

4. Deep fry them in oil. Then cut them in to big pieces as shown in picture below.

5. Now in a pan, boil some water. The water should boil well and after you see bubbles turn off the gas. At the same time, in another pan, add milk,sugar,cardamom powder,food color and allow it to boil. Allow it to boil well and thickens a bit. It takes about 6 to 7 minutes approximately. Then turn the gas off.

6. Now use a tong as shown below. Take each piece of poori using the tong . Dip it in the hot water. When you take poori out of hot water, wait until the water dripping is stopped. Else, the kheer will get more watery. Then  put the poori piece in the milk. The reason for dipping it in hot water first is, it remove any oil covered over the poori. Oil when mixed with milk, will change the flavor of the dish. Hence we dip it in hot water first and then put it in milk.

7. In another pan, add some ghee and roast cashews and add it to the dish. Poori payasam is ready !..

1. I used all purpose flour/maida. You can also wheat flour to make pooris.
2. Once the payasam gets cool down, transfer it to a box and refrigerate it. It will taste much better when refrigerated.

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