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Tuesday 5 September 2017

Broccoli Soup

This is a very easy and healthy broccoli soup. It is made with broccoli ,onion and some milk . Broccoli is rich in iron,calcium and vitamins. Broccoli aids in treating cancer, strengthens immune systems, helps to maintain glowing skin and heart healthy.

Preparation Time: Under 15 minutes
Cooking Time: Under 15 minutes
Serves -2 people

Broccoli - 1 no.(When chopped, yields 2.25 cups of florets)
Onion -1/2 cup chopped
Skim milk -1/2 cup
Black pepper powder -1 teaspoon
Butter - 2 tablespoon
Water - 1.5 cups
Maida/All purpose flour - 1 tablespoon
Salt - As required


1. Cut broccoli into small florets. Chop onions finely. In a pan, add butter. Once it melts, add onion and broccoli. Also add salt and black pepper powder. Saute for 3 to 4 minutes  in medium flame, till the onions turns transparent. Do not burn or saute for too long as it would change the texture of broccoli and would affect the taste.

2. Now add 1 tablespoon of maida/all purpose flour and mix well and stir for one minute.

3. Now add 1.5 cups of water. Bring to boil for about 5 to 6 minutes.

4. Once it boils , now add 1/2 cup milk. mix gently for 1/2 minute and switch off the stove.After adding milk, do not heat for too long .

5. Now filter the liquid out form broccoli using a metal strainer.Do not throw the liquid, You need it again to mix with the soup.

6. Allow the broccoli to cool down and blend them in to a smooth paste. Before blending them to paste, take few florets and keep aside. You can use it in the end for garnishing.

7. Now mix the puree with the filtered water from step 5 and heat them all briefly for 1 minute and garnish with broccoli florets and serve !.

SEE ALSO: Green Pea Soup, Pumpkin Soup. 

1 comment:

SUGUMAR said...

Broccoli soup is good for health