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Tuesday 30 August 2016

Peanut Tikki/Cutlet

This is a simple evening time snacks with a hot tea or coffee....


Cooked Rice -  1/2 cup
Peanut-1/2 cup( Dry roast peanut and grind it into a coarse mixture)
Ginger - 1 tablespoon
Red chilli powder - 1/2 tea spoon
Besan(chickpea flour) - 2 table spoon
Salt- as required
Coriander leaves - as required
onion - 1/2 cup(Diced finely).

1. Prepare all ingredients and set ready. Dry roast peanut and grind to a coarse mixture. Grind cooked rice in to a paste. Do not add water when you grind.

2. Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Sprinkle some water while mixing . Do not add more water , as it will be difficult to make patties. It should be thick in consistency, so that it will not fall apart when u make patties. 

3. Grease your hand with oil, and make flat and round patties with your hand and place it on the tawa and pour oil and fry on both sides, till it change to golden brown.

4. peanut cutlet is ready !. Serve with tomato ketchup.

NOTE: Adding besan, serves as a binding agent and binds all ingredients together and helps in making cutlet, without breaking apart. 

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