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Thursday 25 August 2016

Broccoli Stir Fry

Broccoli is considered as one of the healthiest vegetables with dozens of nutrients like vitamin k(Essential for bone health), vitamin c( For anti oxidants which gives a clear skin), potassium(for nerves and heart) and high fiber content. Broccoli is said to prevent cancer, provide abundant anti oxidants and helps in reducing cholesterol . A cup of broccoli has as much protein as a cup of rice or corn with half the calories.

Stir-fry helps in retaining the health benefits of broccoli. Over cooking would result in lose of nutrients and also taste and flavor of broccoli would get spoiled. Here I have provided a very simple broccoli stir fry with some flavorful spices added to make it tastier . 
Broccoli- 2 big no.s
Fresh Garlic- 1 table spoon( Diced finely. I used 3 cloves of garlic)
Fresh red chilli - 1 ( You can increase according to your spice level.)
Red chilli powder - 1/2 teaspoon
Turmeric powder - 1/2 teaspoon
Coriander powder - 1 tea spoon
Garam masala - 3/4 teaspoon
Salt - As required

Ghee - 2 tea spoon
Mustard - 1 tea spoon
Cumin seeds - 1 tea spoon
Urad dal - 1 tea spoon


1. Wash and cut broccoli in to florets .Please do not throw away the stems. Cut them also  in to small pieces. Dice garlic and chilli in to fine pieces.
2. In a flat bottomed pan, add ghee . Then add mustard. Once it splutters, add cumin and urad dal.
3. Then add diced garlic and chilli and fry till golden brown.
4. Add Broccoli florets . Add salt and turmeric powder and mix well. Then add, red chilli powder,corriander powder and garam masala powder and mix well. 
5. Sprinkle some water and cover with a lid. After 2 minutes, stir again and if it is dry, sprinkle some more water and cover the lid. Adding all the water at a stretch would make the broccoli soggy . So keep stirring frequently every 2 minutes and sprinkle water. Broccoli benefits are retained if we cook it slightly. Do not overcook it .cooking for longer time, will make it mushy, very soft and lose its nutrients.  The maximum cooking time is 7-9 minutes. Switch off the gas. Sprinkle asafoetida powder over it . 
6. Broccoli stir fry is ready !. You can take it with rice or rotti. 

NOTE: 1. Adding turmeric to broccoli or any green vegetables at first, will help in retaining the green color of the vegetables .
2. Adding garlic , garam masala in broccoli would help in reducing the smell of broccoli and gives a nice flavor. Some people, avoid broccoli mainly due to its smell.


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