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Monday 13 July 2020

Wheat Parotta

Parotta  is a  layered flatbread  usually made with all purpose flour/maida. It is quite popular in TamilNadu and usually eaten with kurma ( mixed vegetables in a coconut based masala gravy) . Today I have tried making this parotta in wheat flour with step by step pictures . Follow my steps, to get a layered wheat parotta !

Preparation Time: 15 minutes
Cooking Time: 1 hour
Yields - 13 no.s of parotta


Whole Wheat flour - 2.5 cups 
Sugar - 1 teaspoon
Salt - 3/4 teaspoon
Baking powder - 3/4 teaspoon
Milk - 3/4 cup
Olive Oil - 2 teaspoon
Water- as required for kneading
Ghee and oil- For making parotta
Glutinous rice flour- for dusting
Wheat flout - for dusting 


1. In a bowl, add wheat flour, salt, 2 teaspoon oil,  sugar, baking powder and milk. 

2. Add required water and make smooth dough. The dough should be like chappathi dough. Spread some oil over the dough and cover and keep it for 20 minutes.

3. Make lemon sized balls from the dough. Do not make it too big or too small.

4. Take a ball of dough, and use some glutinous rice flour and spread as thin as possible. The reason for using glutinous rice flour is, it is made from sticky rice and help to spread the parotta as thin as possible. If you dont have glutinous rice flour, you can use normal wheat flour for dusting. 

5. Spread some ghee evenly over the dough. Also sprinkle some wheat flour above it. No need to spread the wheat flour. 

6. Now fold it, as like u make pleats for saree. 

7. Now rotate it in to a round shape.

8. Please watch the video for how to fold the parotta to get in layers.

9. Sprinkle some more glutinous rice flour, and using roller pin, spread the parotta . 

10. Cook in a pan, by applying oil on both sides ! 

11. Serve with veg kurma !

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