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Tuesday 5 January 2021

Avocado Spinach Pasta

 Avocado is considered one of the healthiest fruit with abundant of nutrients and health benefits. Today I have prepared an home made sauce using avocado and spinach and mixed it with pasta ! It was very delicious !. Please  try and leave your comments ! 

Preparation Time: 10 minutes

Cooking Time: 20 minutes


Pasta - 2 cups ( Penne Pasta)

Garlic - 2 to 3 pods

Carrot - 1/2 cup  chopped lenghtwise

Broccoli - 4 to 5 florets

Olive oil - 1 teaspoon


Avocado - 1 medium sized

Spinach - 5 to 6 leaves

Garlic - 2 pods

Green chilli - 1 no

Olive oil - 2 teaspoon

Salt - as required

Lemon juice - 1 tablespoon

Black pepper powder - 1 teaspoon


1. In a vessel, add sufficient water and little salt. Once it starts to boil, add penne pasta and cook for 11 minutes. You can check the pasta package for the cooking time. Filter the water from pasta and add some oil to the pasta, so that they don't stick each other. 

2.  Meantime, in a pan, add 1 teaspoon of  olive oil.  Now add  2 to 3 garlic pods. 

3. Now add carrots and broccoli. Add some salt. Sprinkle some water and cook till they are 3/4 th cooked. The veggies need not be too soft. 

4. Now it is time to prepare the sauce. Take medium sized avocado and cut longitudinally.

5. Scoop up the contents of the avocado in the mixer.  Also add few spinach leaves, garlic pods, salt, pepper powder, green chili, 2 teaspoon olive oil, lemon juice. Also add some water and grind them to a smooth paste.

6. Now in a pan, slightly heat the cooked veggies and pasta. Once they are slightly hot, switch off the stove. Add the sauce prepared in step 5. The sauce should not be heated or cooked. 

7.  Avocado spinach pasta is ready ! .  The dish should be consumed with in 1 or 2 hours once prepared. Else the avocado sauce may turn brownish color .


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