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Tuesday 3 November 2020

Badusha / Balushahi Sweet

 Badusha/ Balushahi is an Indian sweet similar to doughnuts. It is made of all purpose / maida flour, deep fried in oil and dipped in sugar syrup ! Try this tasty and easy to make sweet for this deepavali !!! 

Preparation Time: 10 minutes

Cooking Time: 45 minutes

Yields - 10 no.s

1 cup = 240 ml


All purpose flour / maida - 1 .5 cups 

Sugar - 1/2 teaspoon

Baking powder - 1/2 teaspoon

Ghee - 1/4 cup

Curd - 1/4 cup

Water - 1/4 cup

Cashews - 4 to 5 no.s for garnishing 


Sugar - 1 cup

Water - 1/2 cup

Cardamom - 2 to 3 no.s


1. In a vessel, take all purpose flour. Add sugar, baking powder, ghee, curd .

2.. Mix the contents gently. When you take some flour in hands, you should be able to hold it in a shape as below. That should be the consistency.

3. Now add 1/4 cup water gradually and mix with flour. Do not knead the dough, as you make rotti dough. Mix gently. 

4. Cover it with moist cloth and set aside for 15 minutes.

5. Now, in a pan, take 1 cup of sugar. Also add 1/2 cup water and cardamom. 

6. Now allow the sugar syrup to boil for just 5 minutes. When you touch  the syrup, it should be sticky. Switch off the stove.

7. Now take some small lemon sized dough, roll it gently and make a dent in the center.

8. Add them in oil for deep fry. Keep the flame in medium for 1 minute, the badusha gets little bigger in size, and comes up. Now turn the flame to low, and fry the badusha on both side for about 15 minutes. It turns to golden brown. 

 9. Take the fried badusha in a plate with tissue paper and then immediately dip the badusha in the sugar syrup, which you prepared in step 6. Let it rest in syrup for 5 minutes. 

10. Take the badusha out of sugar syrup and add some chopped cashews on the top . Tasty badusha sweet is ready !!! 


Devinambi said...


Abinandhana said...
